Here are 7 signs to look for when it is time to replace them so you can start feeling more comfortable around your home and increase your quality of life:
Take a closer look at your windows and do a quick inspection by checking all around the frames of your windows. Scan for any visible damage and scrutinize the condition of the glass, weatherstripping, and among others. Depending on the condition of your windows, you may need to upgrade them when you start to see some dire issues that will compromise their performance.
If you feel cool air leaking whenever you walk past a window even when it is closed could mean you have a drafty window. Drafty windows are actually more prone to degradation over time so they most likely need to be replaced. If you want to figure out for yourself if you have drafty windows, make sure to read 4 Quick Tests You Can Do To Know if You Have Drafty Windows if you have yet!
Heat loss and interior temperature problems can run up energy bills up to 25%–30%. New windows will help you save immediately on energy costs for years to come. When planning to replace windows, try getting energy star certified windows.